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What February has to offer

Luke Chapman

By Luke Chapman

Staff Writer

February has arrived at last, even though many of you might not be that excited about it. Not to worry though, as spring will sneak up on us soon enough.

While we wait, there are some holidays and national days to look forward to. You might know about some of them. You’ve got your Valentine’s Day, Groundhog’s Day, Super Bowl Sunday and you’re also probably familiar with Presidents’ Day.

This list includes six holidays in the month of February you probably didn’t know about!

Feb. 2 — Candlemas

While Feb. 2 is well-known as Groundhog’s Day, it is also a little-known Christian holiday known as Candlemas. This holiday commemorates the presentation of Jesus Christ at the temple, 40 days after Christmas Eve, by having candles blessed in a place of worship. It is celebrated mostly in Europe and South America, so that would explain why not many of us have heard of it. Perhaps you could light a candle.

Feb. 9 — National Pizza Day

Pizza is undoubtedly one of the most popular foods in America, so much so that this food gets its own day. I mean, who doesn’t want a slice of this classic flat bread? Some people even like to eat pizza for breakfast. Celebrate this day by buying yourself a pizza.

Feb. 13 — Get a Different Name Day

Ever wanted to change your name? Well, the 13th of this month is for just that. You can change your name to whatever you like for the day, such as Sebastian, Methuselah, Miranda, Hermione or Regis Philbin. Get creative. You then tell people they can only call you by this name for the whole day, and make sure to have fun.

Feb. 15 — Singles Awareness Day

Don’t have a valentine this Valentine’s Day? That’s rough (or congratulations, whichever is more appropriate). But guess what? Feb. 15 is for you. Singles Awareness Day is an opportunity for you to appreciate other forms of love, such as with family, friends and loving yourself. To all you single people out there, make this your day; hang out with friends, host your own movie night and take advantage of the freedom you have.

Feb. 17 — Random Acts of Kindness Day

An act of kindness will go a long way. Feb. 17 is a day you can devote to spreading kindness to people, even some you’ve never met. Send anonymous uplifting sticky notes, help someone cross the street, offer your friends cupcakes, are just some ideas.

Feb. 28 — National Public Sleeping Day

Sometimes, sleep is an inconvenience, but at other times, sleep is a blessing and sometimes you’ll find yourself dozing off in the middle of the day. While sleeping is mostly done in a bed and in private, today is all about being creative when catching some Zs. Sleep in the Student Center, sleep on a bench, sleep in the hallway, sleep at McDonald’s, sleep in the elevator. Those are just a few examples, it’s all up to you!

Enjoy your February!


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