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"The Mandalorian" Season 3 continues storytelling excellence

Noah Peterson

Updated: Feb 6, 2024

By Noah Peterson

Multimedia Director


After reuniting with his adopted son, Grogu, from the Book of Boba Fett Series, the Mandalorian begins a journey to Mandalore to redeem his past transgressions. Along the way, he teaches Grogu about the way of the Mandalorian.


The Mandalorian series takes place five years after "Return of the Jedi" when the Galactic Empire fell. It follows the travails of a lone gunfighter, Din Djarin, in the galaxy's outer reaches, far from the authority of the New Republic. When he is assigned to find and deliver a valuable quarry, a baby creature called Grogu he uses his reward to gain new armor before rescuing Grogu from his captors.

Season 2

The second season follows the Mandalorian as he journeys across the galaxy searching for other Mandalorians on a mission to return Grogu to his kind: the Jedi. This season concludes when the Mandalorian succeeds in his mission, and the audience feels heart warmth as Grogu decides to stay with his adoptive father.


The series combines action, adventure and space western drama. In addition, the tone balances lighthearted fun and tear-jerking moments.


Several moments include conversations between characters, intense action scenes, and plot twists that affect the rest of the season.


If you have seen the first two seasons, I encourage you to watch season three. It possesses the same amount of energy and offers more insight into what happened following the events of the original trilogy.

Watch the new season of The Mandalorian. New episodes release every Wednesday only on Disney Plus.


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