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7 Questions with Evan Green

Writer's picture: Jake FeldmanJake Feldman

Jake Feldman

Staff Writer

1. What is your official job on campus and what does it entail? “My official job title is director of intercultural and spiritual life, and I work in the Center for Student Life office. My role entails helping with co-curricular programming diversity initiatives, chapel programming, oversight of our campus ministry team and other campus ministry initiatives.”

2. What inspired you to step into your new role on campus? “Being passionate about our student body as it relates to diversity initiatives, and having a chance to serve in a capacity that contributes to the spiritual wellbeing of our campus were two reasons that inspired me for this new opportunity.” 3. What has been most fulfilling about your time so far? “The most fulfilling aspect about my time so far has certainly been getting to know students, working with an awesome group of student leaders, and receiving testimonies about how they were blessed from a program, a speaker or a time of worship at The Offering.” 4. We know you are an assistant basketball coach. How does that impact your relationships on campus and your job? “Being an assistant men’s basketball coach has afforded me a chance to have a front-row seat in the lives of young men, where I get to witness their development as players and growth as people. The impact this has on my relationships with our players is that there is a sense of family that is developed between us. The other area where being a coach has impacted my role is having an ability to learn how to work with a diverse group of students.” 5. What are you most looking forward to as the semester continues? “I am looking forward to some exciting programs and campus ministry events coming up, so STAY TUNED! Another thing I am looking forward to is the continued growth of our campus ministry student leaders.” 6. How has Rochester University changed since your time here as a student? “Since my time as a student, the student population here at RU is more diverse. There have been some new building additions (Garth Pleasant Arena, Lake Norcentra Park), and overall growth are a few notable changes.” 7. What is one interesting thing about yourself that students may not know? “Not sure if this counts as interesting or not, but students may not know that when I was a student here, I had the lead role in a play we did called, ‘A Raisin in the Sun.’ Every so often, I’ll go back to read some of the script. That experience is something that I’ll never forget.”



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